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Terms of Use,


Scripture quotations taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

This website links Scripture references to Bible Hub in accordance with their terms of use. Heartfelt thanks to all involved with Bible Hub for making God's word so available in profound depth!

All printables on this site—unless otherwise attributed—are created solely by Elizabeth Sullivan and are copyrighted. All printables created by others are posted on this website by permission of their copyright holders. As with this site's entire content, free print and/or digital distribution of each printable posted to this site is permitted. Altering or selling printables is prohibited.

Photographs and art are posted on this site in accordance with their terms of use. Permission for any use of these images other than sharing this website, in whole or part, in print or digital form must be sought directly from their copyright holders. Particular thanks goes to the photographers who generously posted their work on Unsplash: Brooke Cagle, Christian Lue, Joanna Kosinska, Lucas Silva Pinheiro Santos, Mick Haupt, Pisit Heng, Priscilla Du Preez, Santi Vedrí, Sonya Lynne, Timothy Eberly, and others. Much appreciation also for the gifted artists who designed the charming birds and other art gracing this site. (Why birds? They are a delightful reminder of the power, care, and genius of our Father in heaven. And yes, the dove in the logo is an ordinary street pigeon instead of bright white… because grace is God's love given to ordinary people like you and me. :)

Distributing free print and/or digital copies of any portion of this website (reposting, projecting, printing, etc.) is permitted.

Altering or selling website content is prohibited.

This website is created solely by Elizabeth Sullivan and is copyrighted.

Printables posted on this website may use different sources for Scripture quotations. Each printable attributes its own sources.

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